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When I can't not write...

The place I keep friends and family updated on our life in the US Army. My part in that I affectionately refer to as being part of the 82nd Chairborne Division!

Friday, May 13, 2005


First of all, thanks to Hugh Hewitt for the very kind words here-http://www.hughhewitt.com/#postid1631

It was such a pleasure and a privilege to get to talk with him when he came to Phoenix last night.

Thanks also to all of you wonderful folks who are leaving comments. I'll make sure that I pass them on to Aaryk.

I'm posting a powerpoint presentation I used for a Toastmasters speech I gave on the Warrior Transition Course. It'll give you an idea of what it's like for the prior service guys going back into the Army. It's an 8 MB file, and you need Powerpoint to be able to view it, but it's here-http://members.cox.net/ladydrake64/WTC.ppt

Thanks again, and...wow ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 9:11 alarm story is just awesome. Americans must be the most patriotic people in the world. I love America and Americans (I'm Canadian) and I am pulling for your country to win this global war on terror. I sleep better at night knowing that as long as there are men of honor like Aaryk (and President Bush)in America the country and the world will be a better and safer place. God Bless America!

1:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Comments! <3

Just me being random. And racking you up another comment. Go me! *cheers*

I'll have to go do something with my online journal once I get to college. I bet I could update it much more often...

10:52 PM  
Blogger bschneider5 said...

Nice one!!!!!Bradsblog

11:22 PM  

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